>>1634464That blade really is a problem. Maybe if you warp it shorter.
>>1634437>CRAWLLLING INNN MYYYY SKIIIIIIIINNNNToo much icons, it'd be better if you just stuck with the ones on the side or at the bottom. Also I'm guessing the white dots are not intentional, if so you should go ask IMT to remove them. The font is perfect.
>>1634428>>1634431>>1634433Not a meme. It's called a pixiv trend.
The greens do match more now, looks great. Are the colors for the icons fixed or can you use RGB codes?
>>1634417You go gurl.
Just remove the screen indicator, since it looks out of place. Also don't use pure black for the dock, try ether a shade of gray that goes with that purple or sample a color from the image itself.
>>1634412Looks tons better than the last one. Colors match and are really nice, still don't get the icon placement thou. Seams like they'd be easy to missclick.
>>1634398>>1634405Hanako best girl. Maximum feels. Graph confirmed for shit taste.
Looks pretty good, the colors are nice and don't "burn" the eyes when you look at it for too long. Thou you should get a better vector, the lines are a little... edgy. Also what is that 87? degrees? C? F? Would be really funny if you added 87 C.
>>1634346Seams perfect. Nothing to say.
>>1634341Just by moving the icons a little it looks like a whole other screen. Neat.
>>1634363I didn't even notice that it's a banner. Brilliant. Just move that one icon from the wing up.