>>1674422Been trying to pass the message around that I won't be too strict on the deadline. The end of the 15th would be a good time to aim for your very final version. Even people that thought they'd finish super early were cutting it close so I don't plan on outright rejecting any entry that might be a few days late. Hopefully it can alleviate some of the stress.
>>1674336Couple points I thought would be worth going over:
-Pointed out in red lines that would benefit being adjusted thickness-wise. For a good guide, refer to her swimsuit outline circled in green.
-Some lines on her hand look a bit too blocky, try stretching the levers apart to make the curves rounder at the nods.
-Making the headband line thicker gives a nice effect but it feels just a bit too thick compared to the rest.
-Green areas are places I thought we're well done and looked nice.
-I remember you mentioned having a hard time on the bracelets but I think it came out rather nicely
-The thickness you chose for the swimsuit I feel looks just right. I'd recommend using those lines as a good idea on how thick to work the rest of your outline on this whole project.