>>2074521This isn't helpful, you try again.
>>2074515OR seems satisfied so this is fine. I would just recommend working on getting closer to the art. There's still a lot of red outlining the girl and it's a little jagged. Here's my advice:
I use GIMP so what I did was fuzzy select all the red areas (click and drag to get the selection as close to the art as possible, also make sure to hold shift while selecting so you can make multiple selections). Cut the red areas with ctrl+x. Next, I inverted the selection then did Select > To Path. Click somewhere to deselect, create a new layer, go to your paths and then stroke the path (I used a line width of 3). That will create a nice, smooth outline around the girl. There was still some red showing through faintly so I just drew over that with the paint tool as needed.
It's not a perfect solution but the end result looks nice enough. I'm not great at this by any means but I hope that helps.