Just got my desktop stuff back up and running after i had to completely wipe my computer on the weekend. still a ways to go.
Now for an uneducated opinion:
>>1402825 if you insist on so much rainmeter, fix your task-bar up (get a different visual style or hide it) rainmeter is a bit OTT but i've seen worse. >>1402766 this sucks, delete your desktop shortcuts and think about changing start orb/icons/taskbar >>1402765 i almost switched to linux yesterday (didn't have the balls), is it as easy to rice as windows? >>1402730 second worst i've seen. i'd lose all the rainmeter and start from there >>1402714 apart from the icons, this is one of the best i've seen >>1402673 consider changing icons/start/orb/task-bar. the wallpaper is cool but it would be look better without all the colourful icons. >>1402441 your taskbar sucks >>1402300 your dock isn't great, if it's yours try making it transparent and make the border less obtrusive >>1402267 your dock sucks too >>1402264 lose the desktop shortcuts, they're the easiest way to completely ruin a desktop >>1402249 pretty tragic, lose the massive line and re-arrange a few things, also lose the recycle bin shortcut>>1401689 shortcut could go and icons could change>>1401638 lose the dock and all will be greatAlso, do you people actually use 4chan in such a tiny window or do you only do that to show your theme/style along with your desktop?