It's so weird having this bright colorful rice after having a dark, winter one for so long. What do you guys think? Did I do the Me!Me!Me! video any justice? Also, any tips for the music widget? I'm no good at themeing those...
>>1743304Nice job, but the spacing between the hours and minutes seems a bit off to me. Maybe add a colon.
And yeah, once the thread hits 250 I critique and just wait for the next one to post mine.
>>1743305Try making the banners less opaque, so the red doesn't contrast with the background so much.
>>1743324It just feels so empty and unfinished. Honestly, try starting from scratch.
>>1743332The icons are a bit too big and close together on the second screen, but that's probably just me. The bubbles are really nice, the translucence works well with the hazy, summer vibe I get from the background. Great job.
>>1743340Did you try turning it on and off again?
>>1743343It's a relatively decent first try. Your background is a bit blurry and your fonts could be better. Align the battery percentage, clock and "pm". Keep working at it, anon.
>>1743360The clock on the main screen seems a bit bulky to me. Maybe use a thinner font? Otherwise, very nice. I really like the way your two banners gradually fade away.
>>1743376This is nice but your blurry background is throwing it off. Try to find a higher res of it. Banner looks nice though - I like the way it fills up that empty space in the image.
>>1743386Try taking a screenshot without the app. That might be what's messing you up. Aside from the pixelated image, (which I'm guessing is the apps fault), your top banner with the clock doesn't go all the way to the top and it overlaps the side of the phone. Try using Scrotter to avoid that overlap.