Haven't been too active this thread, finals week. I probably wouldn't be on much the rest of the year actually. So if any of you needed something from me let me know before the end of the week.
>>1737234Its blue...
>>1737118Theme you app drawer icon to match the others. Maybe its just me but those icons don't look good at all. The colors don't work with that section of the wall. The same goes for the clock up top. Thats a tricky image to get colors paired with.
>>1736839the date portion of your clock is hard to read with that font. Doe smart launcher let you hide the notification bar with the free version? That would really help. As would hiding the app drawer icon (assuming the swipe left to right to bring up the drawer is in the free version as well)
>>1736629As others have said, its too dark. Just like a screen that is too light looks bad, the same holds for dark screens as well. If you were to brighten up the widgets and icons just a bit, maybe 5 shades lighter on your grays it would look better.
>>1736488Very nice, first time or otherwise.
Not dull or generic (You added a spin to the typical banner look that has become generic). As for the Tiny White Icon question what you have there now is as close as it gets for most sets. You can make your own that looks more like the 4chan clover but any set that has been around for a while and hasn't be actively updated in a year almost never has 4chan apps.
>>1737236>Also the dock in that is not good and those icons don't fit at allI don't think thats the guy who made the rice.