I have a slightly hefty request here, but hopefully it won't be too hard!
I have this dual monitor wallpaper I cropped by downscaling this amazing image:
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60590430and while it looks pretty much perfect of the left half, the right half of the image is way too noisy
can someone please clean up the right half by removing the partially out of frame Rin and moving the other rin into that general area?
also could you please slightly shift the flower I circled over just a tiny bit so it doesnt dip into the left half of the image?
please excuse the sloppiness of my ms-paint skills but I hope it makes my request clear enough
if you don't want to use the original full-sized image to do this, here's the clean version of my shitty crop: