>>2038335hal here (my desktop is in the thread I even signed it)
Last time I tried building htop with cygwin (years ago) I think it depended on low level libraries that don’t and never will exist for cygwin or something to that effect
I made a sort‐of clone in moonscript a long time ago that still works for me
https://github.com/hal-ullr/ltopIIRC there is an online moonscript compiler you can use to get a lua file and run with lua and luasocket installed (the latter is not necessary if you replace the one socket.sleep call with an os.execute call for something that will wait one second, like ‘sleep 1’), or install luarocks and moonscript and then run or compile to lua on your own machine.
The braille graphs were designed for bitmap fonts which is why they look wonky in this screenshot