Welcome to /w/IMT! We are here to help. All anime-related wallpaper and image modification requests are welcome.
Non anime-related modifications go in
>>>/wg/IMT. Vectors and minimalist vectors have dedicated threads, search /w/'s catalog for them.
>Requesters:• ALWAYS DO A REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH. You might find what you wanted was already done, or find a better quality image for modifying.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Provide a desired resolution for wallpapers (WIDTHxHEIGHT in pixels) and avoid using names as not everyone may be familiar with them.
• UPLOAD AND LINK WHEN NEEDED. Use sites such as
puush.me, mixtape.moe or others. DO NOT USE IMGUR. It compresses images.
• THIS IS A BLUE SFW BOARD. If you must request a lewd picture, please warn about it and post a link to the image.
• DO NOT ADD EMPTY SPACE OR RESIZE. Always provide the original to work with. Link if it can't be posted due to restrictions.
• DO NOT BUMP OR RE-REQUEST. If you want to know why your request was skipped, just ask. If it was not completed in this thread, you can try again in the next thread.
>All:• DO NOT WASTE IMAGES. Don't post unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• MINIMUM RESOLUTION allowed is 480x600 pixels.
• MAXIMUM RESOLUTION allowed is 10000x10000 pixels.
• MAXIMUM FILE SIZE allowed is 6MB.
• Supported file types are: JPG, PNG, GIF and WEBM.
>Archive:http://archive.nyafuu.org/w/search/subject/image%20modification%20thread/>Basic FAQ:http://pastebin.com/SjCXh6ks>Previous Thread:>>2002444