Commission is in! I'd link his tumblr to credit him, but I'm gonna wait for his approval before that. Things are starting to look a bit more coherent now. I'm lazy and haven't really worked on anyone's text or any app shortcuts, just animating in the art. Every chatacter is going to get their own pod, each of wich will display app shortcuts somehow.
>>2007781I like the idea if the 01 being behind the apps. A lot of people just use a blank background for their icon space. Throw a few rows doen and then see how it looks. Too much empty space at the moment. 6/10.
>>2007791Comfy a f. Everything flows nicely and works well together. I'd be interested to see how changing the border of the image to navy and affects the balance of colors, but that's more curiosity than criticism. 8.5/10
>>2007799That's a nice calander. The rest of the setup seems pretty decent. I would go with a little less blur in that rectangle, and I would also spread out the music player vertically. 7/10.