>>1637746>>1637759Wow. These are really nice. I like the banners. Really look good. Literally makes me want to make mine like that. 10/10
>>1637684I'd see if I could mess with that calendar or find a different one. Other than that. It's lovely. I like the image isn't a solid background like mine tend to be. 9/10
>>1637848I would move her up a bit so that the back button doesn't touch her tail.
>>1637857if you're keeping that clock, try to make it fit in his belly? Also get rid of the screen indicators. I don't know what else to tell ya.
>>1637868I like it. 8/10
>>1637898As pointed out before, that Skype tile really throws it off. Skinery Themes, supports Skype as a launch tile. Just go to make a tile and use this image. Hopefully it looks nice.
http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/skinery-themes/0c413983-24b5-42cb-8408-56f5b1422eed>>1637904On Nova Launcher it lets you save your theme as a back up.