Uncompressed mp4:
https://u.pomf.is/knpchf.mp4Background changes when I leave my house/disconnect from my home wifi. Background on second page changes to a Splatoon one when a map I want to play is in rotation.
>>1902785Black on that wall looks really harsh, in my opinion. But that is a cute and very spring-like wall.
>>1902829Off-center time/date is bothering me, as is the off-center 「おやすみ」 and the random circle and divider (?) line above the icons. The whole thing is off-center vertically as well, and the fonts don't match. KLWP doesn't have a lot of native tutorials but it is very user friendly, so just play with it. You'll learn more that way. If there's something you're confused about, check
https://www.reddit.com/r/kustom/, the dev posts there frequently and answers questions. But try to figure it out on your own first.
>>1902834Better icons for sure. Hide the status bar, it clashes with everything else. The wooden frame is interesting but would look better if everything else suited it, as it is, it stands out quite a bit. There was a Holo rice with a wood theme before that was quite good, if you know of it. I'd check that out for inspiration if that's a direction you want to head in.
>>1902917Music control buttons are way too big I think. The music info font is also kinda weird and the artist's name looks cut off a bit at the bottom...I'd pick a different font. I'd also move down the entire time/date/Holo block/icon block a bit, so it's not so close to the top. I like the tree background though.