Does anybody know how to change the colors of the bullets in the bblean menu? I've been playing around with some stuff but haven't been successful
>>1537888>>1537893>>1537908>>1537918>>1537920>>1537923>>1537924>>1537930>>1537999 I wish my monitor was this big>>1538036>>1538050>>1538075>>1538089>>1538153>>1538177 I like this a lot>>1538191>>1538198>>1538204>>1538208>>1538248>>1538300>>1538306>>1538373>>1538416>>1538420>>1538464 I like your right wall. <insert awkward flirting face> I love hmmuk>>1538476>>1538523 I like how the color of the font on the taskbar is a tad yellow. It's the little things that make desktops shine!>>1538587>>1538628>>1538630>>1538642>>1538667>>1538704>>1538841>>1538846>>1538851>>1538854>>1538914>>1538969>>1539030 I like the whatever it is above your notepad++. I like your entire desktop a lot.>>1539072>>1539094>>1539146 I love this>>1539153>>1539179>>1539319>>1539395>>1539456>>1539482>>1539566>>1539654>>1539846>>1539859>>1539877>>1539928>>1539942>>1540379>>1540385>>1540390>>1540398>>1540401You're all fantastic and amazing people with amazing desktops. Sorry if I couldn't compliment everybody. I'm kind of tired right now.