>>1509629http://scope10.deviantart.com/art/Scopics-Icons-for-Android-353302716The following instructions is for the Nova Launcher, though this process should be fairly similar for most customer launchers in Android :).
Copy and paste the unzipped icons you want to your android phone. You could also download this directly to your phone, but keep in mind that it is zipped and you may need an unzipping app for it to work correctly.
From here, "hold" on one of the icons on your android home screen as if you were about to move it. Select "edit" and then tap on the icon. You will then be presented with the screen in attached screenshot. Select "Files" and then pick the icon you would like to use for that application. This will change the image to the selected file. I do realise this will have to be done individually for all apps (which kinda sucks), but I don't believe there is a way to treat it as an "icon pack" as they are .png files and not installed on your system as an apk or whatever. Hope this kinda helps!