>>1537856>>1537864Attached is all the things that need to be fixed.
You have a hard time with consistency - your lines and line styles are ALL OVER THE PLACE. T^he legend:
RED: Wrong, in multiple places Especially for the headphones. While it is laudable that you did the headphones yourself, you still made a lot of flaws with the balance of the device overall. Headphones are machined, and thus should be consistent and symmetrical, especially the gray pins that hold the headphones to speaker parts to the headphones' headpiece. that little "ataqri symbol" in yellow really, REALLY needs to be symmetrical. Take the better of the two sides (the right), copy it, and FLIP it. then put it side-by-each.
I like the way you made the hair for the bangs, and you should copy that everywhere else for the hair - you just went a bit too long with a lot of the lines and they don't flow into each other nicely. they look more like odd line points than nice flow of the hair, in my honest opinion. the GREEN emphasizes this opinion on the consistency for the hair. and the BLUE points to where those lines extend too far.
Also: you need to add more lines, and consistency for the vest, shirt and the person proper, or go without the lines. it has enough shape to go that way, but then you'd lose the hair details.
Hope this helps.