Here are some cleaner scrots of the individual screens
I know this isn't /w/ material but /wg/ threads are dead and I feel I've done enough anime posting in my time to let this one slide :^)
>>1999291Space your elements out better, lose the page indicator and maybe the app drawer icon (gestures). You don't need the labels so lose them. Not a bad first attempt.
>>1999292Other anon was right about the colours. Those icons look awful and are too small, get something less aliased. I can see how having seconds on the clock balances it out with the 3 parts of the date so I won't sperg out over it, maybe consider dropping both the seconds on the clock and the year on the calendar cause who needs those? An icon pack made up of thickish lines would go well with the font but if you can't find one stick to solid white icons. Maybe make the battery percentage font thicker by a pt or 2.
>>1999501I like the use of colour here, very nice. The google search thing suits it especially well which is a rare sight. Maybe nudge the icons up a bit if you can so they're hugging the bottom less. Also I'd question the need to have KLWP and Play Store icons on your homescreen, surely there're more useful apps you could put there?
>>1999570>>1999571Considering how busy that wallpaper is you've managed to make the rice clear and easy to understand which is good. However the font you've used is incredibly ugly and doesn't match the icon pack at all. The dock background doesn't look amazing and the weird thin bar at the top of it looks bad. On the second page space the dock icons out so they're evenly spread. I also personally wouldn't have those arrows or that app drawer icon (use gestures) but those are up to you.
>>1999750Works as well as it did when you first made it. Move the clock up so it's centered between the icons and the top of the screen.