>>2224752The white streak?
It might help if we saw the before-editing original and how you did it. I assumed "first" was your final result.
I'm guessing you selected the girl, turned her into a mask, then kept moving the mask and flood-filling it, relying on the stacking-order to avoid over-writing previous layers.
I'd also guess the color-tolerance of your selection wasn't as wide as it should have been. I can see white dots at the boundaries, particularly where blue is adjacent to green. That's usually a sign the mask wasn't completely filled. It can be helped by running a fat brush over edges; sometimes or 'lighter', 'darker', or 'color'. Whatever covers the flaws.
This image was made with the mask/move/color/stack technique. I've circled a flaw where
>>2224721 didn't cut close enough and it shows because it obscures the next layer down.
Also, my color boundaries are a little rough. I selected the image below her navel in GIMP (the arrow shows the exact point) and applied the default 1.5 pixel Gaussian blur. I think that looks smoother and better. Maybe I should have eliminated the girl herself from the selection so her outline wasn't also blurred. Matter of taste.
You posted
>>2224753 while I was working. What's "right" depends on what you're trying to achieve. Your opinion is the only one that matters. But you might try reading books on GIMP and other photo-editors like PhotoPaint to gain insight, not so much on specific techniques, but just to gain insight into what's possible.