>>1436635Experiment with the window sizes and positions.
The layout of the script is basically:
WinMove,A,, A, B, C, D
A being the pixel padding between the window and the top of your monitor.
B being the pixel padding between the window and the left of your monitor.
C is width of the window
D is height of the window.
So if A is 500, it will position itself 500 pixels from the top.
if B is 128, it will position itself 128 pixels from the left side of your monitor.
My padding is 14 pixels wide on each side and between windows, and 29 on the top to compensate for the 15px bbleanbar.
It's really simple once you get into it.
None of my windows were planned ahead, I just went with what I thought looked nice as I was doing it.
I'm totally not making any sense, so if you have any questions.. shoot.