We are here to help. All wallpaper and image modification requests are welcome, within reason.
>Requesters: ●Anyone who offers to help is doing so on their own time, so don't forget to thank them.
●If you need a bigger wallpaper, do a reverse image search before you ask us.
●Explain your request as best you can.
●Don't take it personally if your request is skipped or overlooked.
●We do these requests for free, don't go off an redistribute these for upvotes or the sort on various other forums
>All: ●Be polite and try to use proper spelling.
●Feel free to shower us with critique.
>More Information: ●Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels are not allowed. (100000x600 or 480x100000 will not work)
●Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
●Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB.
>Thanks /wg/ for this copypasta >Archived Threads http://pastebin.com/L0mx49Nr >Previous Thread >>1432969
Ugh, typo. and* I guess the space between the bullet and "All" as well.
>>1436903 Oh hey, just went through the archive to add the old thread to the pastebin, the guy who made the new thread and deleted it could have kept his up, not like the old one had much life to it
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Hm hm, guess whoever posted the last thread used their own pastebin as well. Better to keep em all the same, no? I update mine as they go, no need to make a new one
http://pastebin.com/8FR8uRNR Anonymous
>>1436885 Can't get the hair to agree with me on the one part, here's the outline for the piece if anyone wanted to finish it off. Eye ended up a little pink imo, let me know if you want me to touch that up or anything else.
Is it possible to get a larger or higher resolution of the background in this video?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8lGQ3uEsZ4 I was able to get this by maximizing it, but wasn't sure if it's possible to get in better quality.
Basic FAQ for some of the questions people tend to ask, feel free to tell me anything to add or the sort, just threw this together in about 5 minutes with the only questions that came to mind.
http://pastebin.com/ZSLXSbLa Sorry to sage-post so much off the bat, I'm out of it. Last one, sorry again.
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>>1436909 I tried upscaling, blurring (to get rid of jpg artifacts) and then sharpening a bit so the edges wouldn't look so blurry.
>>1436909 this?
>>1436910 many of us use pen tool to make selections on transparencies due to its often superior AA and because most of the stuff we are dealing with have natural curves anyway (if drawn by a good artist)
>>1436967 this is
paint.net 's oil painting effect if anyone was curious.
>>1436910 Paint.net is a good starter platform for Windows users. Very intuitive controls
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>>1436909 also, here is the actual 1080 capture (at least, that's what the quality was submitted as on youtube)
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>>1436959 I was envisioning something like this, though it could use some work
>>1436904 eh no point, the picture in the OP i made sucked anyway.
>>1436704 just used a big brush with 0 hardness and some blur, didnt rip it from the image or anything. couldnt tell you what filters though lol. diffuse glow probably?
>>1436959 I was envisioning something like this, though it could use some work
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>>1436967 >>1436969 Added, thank yah
>>1436981 Ain't like mine are any good, I've just got a folder of about 90 of the suckers I've turned in to walls from regular images when I'm bored
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>>1436982 Maybe something like this?
>>1436908 First, thank you so much. I see what you mean about the hair and I always knew that was a longshot. The artist made a bad decision imo.
For the eyes, only since you asked, is it not too difficult to get the 'fade-to-white' effect back in? If you flip back and forth on the two images the original eyes look a bit more lively because of that
>>1437014 Hm, try this
The hair isn't really too much of a longshot, it's just outside of my skill range to match the artist that much, especially because of the detail and light source
Can someone give this picture a black background? Or the original picture would also be nice.
just remove the windows and the other stuff. Thanks in advance.
>>1437206 Heres the vector if anyone just wants to make the background for him
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>>1437282 This
>>1430768 is the vector.
can someone make this a 1920x1080 wallpaper
>>1437344 legitimately nice oneupsmanship, I'm entirely outdone here
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>>1437346 >png result over 5mb lol lossless fail, and as long as you didnt want anything specific...
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>>1436797 Can someone please finish this by making her a bit smaller and adding the grass from the original?
Can I get a vector of just Ushio and have her cleaned up?
Mez !!pDd+L0POgts
Could someone extend the pattern to cover behid her aswell?
>>1437278 That look better, thanks again. You're very good at this, you should consider taking up a tripcode.
>>1437432 what the derp? got that image but not smushed?
>>1437446 sureeee
>>1437465 you can have mine if you want!
Mez !!pDd+L0POgts
Could someone do me a favour and make her eyes blue?
Was thinking something along the lines of
http://www.colorhexa.com/2a7fa0.png .
>>1437486 its not an exact match, it should be close enough though.
>>1437449 >you're good at something, you should attention whore it Why? Hell, I appreciated the guys work 100% more because he doesn't.
>>1437488 Looks great.
Thanks man.
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>>1437493 Thanks to you too.
Guess christmas came early this year.
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>>1437492 no problem
>>1437490 >>1437491 do you even forced anonymous?
hello guys, im seeking since a long time for this picture as a wallpaper, unfortunatly, the guy who made it, made it in a shitty lenght.I would beg you for a normal wallpaper version of this pic , its skullkid
>>1437493 sorry to bother, but can I get this also in 1920x1080?
Quick question, how do you all raise the resolution of a picture without losing quality?
>>1436901 I'd appreciate that wallpaper without the letters & numbers.
I'm a total failure at image modification so thanks a lot for all the work you guys do.
Could I get some nice transparency to this image? I would like to make a background with it.
>>1437520 Photoshop does it on its own for the most part through an option called a "bicubic smoother"
>>1437522 Doesn't hurt to try a few easy req's, always room to learn, and it never hurts to have a few extra hands around here
>>1437514 Here's my shitty attempt
>>1437490 >attention whore What the hell are you even on about? There's not many people here who are able to draw things in like that from scratch so it would be easier to make such requests if you know someone like that is around instead of just taking shots in the dark. Try harder to fit in, it's not so blatantly obvious yet.
>>1437534 this isnt shitty at all, i still cant do fill extensions like that. you think theres a way to draw out the extra giants on the left/right? its not canon :>
>>1437538 What? That logic is so blatently shitty it's comical. Look, if people want to take names, go for it, I certainly can't stop you, but don't act like it's for any reason other than wanting to be acknowledged for your work. There's not a "who is online" list, and people don't get requested by name. This isn't deviantart
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>>1437526 hmm, not that it really matters that much, but I just noticed the japanese text in the lower right. Tiny little thing. Here's it without
>>1437525 missed this, sry.
>>1437542 no one is taking credit for the work posted here (do you see a water mark or signature?), you can force anonymous or filter specific trips, i'm pretty sure people would know i'm the one posting on the board all the time even without the trip, i get ignored more often than not with it on, no claims have been made about how one person is more superior than the other with or without tripcodes, it allows me better access to my previous posts in the archives, and i fail to see why you are so upset. i'm flattered though.
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>>1437551 I'm not upset at all mate, I never made the claim that people think they're more superior either. All I said was that more often than not, people use tripcodes as a means of drawing attention to themselves and accrediting what they do to their name.
But yes, people do take credit for the work done here, that was the whole point of the other anon's post. Names->previous history->personal requests
That's credit. Anyway, like I said before, I won't stop you, so the conversation is nothing more than a spitting match.
>>1437542 >any reason other than wanting to be acknowledged for your work Yeah, someone else asking a poster to take a name is doing it for attention too right? Are you fucking retarded? You have some serious insecurity issues. No one gets requested but if that specific person is around you would have more confidence in making a request. Plenty of people in vector threads take up names so when they take up a request the requester can know what to expect from their work. And it also becomes pretty obvious when one of them leaves the board. This has nothing to do with your /a/v/b/ circle jerks. Take your retarded logic back there.
>>1437542 >it's for any reason other than wanting to be acknowledged for your work Maybe they should be acknowledged for their work. What's wrong with that? It's not like they're slapping on huge watermarks.
>I certainly can't stop you But I'm sure you would if you could. Don't act like the only reason you're opposed to it isn't because you're trying too hard to fit in from whatever your native board is.
>There's not a "who is online" list /w/ is a pretty slow board so if a user has a name it is pretty obvious if they have been active.
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>>1437561 >>1437558 I'm not opposed to it guys, seriously, read my posts, I've said go for it the whole time. Can we get back to you know, the IMT part of these threads? I apologize for saying something in the first place, I just found it comical that someone requested an anon to take up a trip for what seemed like no reason.
>>1437517 no bother, i thought someone would have done this by now since its relativity easy. you dont mind an extension, right?
>>1437554 AWESOME! Thanks!
>>1437024 I've been trying to find this wallpaper in 1920x1200, no luck. can anyone extend it, without degrading the quality. Thanks.
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>>1437585 Resizing it wasn't really necessary since I made the background myself, from scratch.
But hey, it's the thought that matters, so thanks again, I guess.
Was wondering if someone can make the background transparent. Thanks
>>1436901 Hey I would like the original swastika to replace the canadian maple leaf in this wallpaper version that I found. I will post the original image (not a wallpaper) afterwards, I imagine it is spared from the 480x600 rule since it aids in the request?
>>1437760 Thanks in advance.
That text is ruining what would otherwise be a gorgeous wallpaper I would be greatly appreciative if someone could just magic that shit away.
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>>1437753 Saw your image on the homepage and decided to go for it. I don't normally stop by here.
>>1437753 Saw your image on the homepage and decided to go for it. I don't normally stop by here.
>>1437764 Best you'll get from me
>>1437760 >>1437761 Why'd they change the hat too?
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>>1437770 I think they changed the hat because it looks huge in the original, although it is a matter of opinion.
Thanks a lot.
Envy !58cc1GcbOI
Hey um, I was wondering if you could make quite a large modification to this one for me, I'd love if someone would do it :3
Welp, I'm asking if someone will take this wallpaper
http://i.imgur.com/8gfwB.png , take the character out of the right side and replace it with this character,
http://i.imgur.com/7kxsX.png , filling in the unfilled parts of the silhouette (sp?) with the BG color. Also try to scale the new character to about the same height, thank you so so much /w/<333333
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>>1437788 Thank you. Can't wait! :D
Could somebody please make the background of this image transparent? Thanks.
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>>1437769 That's great!
Thanks a ton, you rock.
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can you please make her head a little bigger. thank you
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>>1437824 Thank you kind anon, seriously, thanks a lot.
I have checked everywhere on the internet. I could not find a high res image of pic related nor could I find an HD episode from where I could rip it. Please make pic related wallpaper quality. Thank you !
Would someone please extend this to 1920x1080? It's a bit beyond my skill level to do so.
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>>1437526 Good point,
I'll look into it. Kinda wanted to learn Photoshop etc anyway.
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>>1437534 >>1437554 Thank you very much guys, seems like you didnt stretch the pic, you added something :)
it looks very nice, thanks a lot folks
Would someone please make this into a 1920x1080 wallpaper? The gradient kind of messed up me being able to just paint in a blue background.
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>>1437304 Holy shit you're amazing. People were getting on my ass about the request. I cannot thank you enough. You are a god.
>>1437918 A very nooby attempt.
>>1437918 Tried doing one as well
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>>1437843 Thanks, you're awesome!
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>>1438109 Awesome too, thank you!
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>>1437203 No clue if you still need it...but here.
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>>1437930 Thank you anon, you're the best !
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>>1437863 don't know if bump is shameless or for justice at this point.
Regardless bump.
Requesting transparent, please :3 If possible, can you keep the white border?
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http://i.imgur.com/kV2Rx.jpg does anyone have a higher resolution than this?
I couldn't find one without text
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>>1437282 sorry for being unclear, i meant having the res the same and the japanese words but the windows and the music player removes.
The red text at the very bottom. Anyone remove that?
>>1437863 working on it. does this look okay?
>>1438310 I'll give it a shot.
>>1438715 I tried anon, but the image was so detailed, so the flowing hair turned out really badly. Forgive me if this is terrible.
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>>1438755 Holy fuck, what happened to her boots? Didn't even notice that.
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>>1438755 Too bad, but however thanks a lot for the work :)
...Also what happened to the bottom of the image?
Is it possible to get this upsized to 1600x900 without it being terribly aliased?
>>1438695 god tier my friend, based on your outlines Iits exactly what i had in might !
Requesting this in 1920x1080, with her on the left side and the clouds/sky extended
Can anyone enlarge Asuka and put her in the middle of a 1680x1050 plain white background? And if it's possible can you also get rid of the fading effect and return it to normal?
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another shameless self bump.
>>1438695 cannot contain my excitement for that Hellsing pic anon!
>CAPTCHA: ohstab cars Anonymous
>>1438981 How did you get rid of the fading?
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It would be very nice to have a transparent version of this one
>>1438981 do you have the transparent for this? please and thank you
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Just back from a ban of the site thinking my 4chanX posting was a proxy.
>>1437189 >>1437349 You did great. Thank you.
>>1437344 PERFECT! You are my hero. Triple thanks!
Hi, I was wondering if this cloud image could still be recovered as a wallpaper. There isn't much going on behind the irssi so some kind of content flll should do. Very appreciate
>>1438834 Working on this.
>>1439164 Thanks so much. Is is possible to make it a bit darker in the topright. As if the clouds are making a triangular shape with the bottom as the base
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>>1439166 Sure thing, give me a minute.
>>1439166 Alright, I'm not so experienced with lighting, but I did my best. It looks the same as the previous to me, though.
>>1439169 Captcha ate my image.
>>1439169 >>1439170 No, no. I can see the difference. Wonderful
Thank you so much
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>>1439265 I love you, thanks very much
>>1437863 the sky is a pain, so I left it alone. transparent version here:
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>>1439265 really nice, i like the perspective there with the clouds.
>>1439345 wow, and you even matched the texture pattern perfectly... you are a master wizard.
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>>1439265 not the guy who requested it but fukken saved. great work anon
hey guys been trying to find the whole set of these but i just cant, love negima so id like to hav them all thx
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>>1439345 Holy fuckin hell! you are a wizard !
Thank you so much!!
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>>1439345 man, I need to learn to draw frill...
Can some remove the flags and letters from Mio please?
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>>1439794 how could someone ruin that picture. some fucking people
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1439794 Here's the flags gone, Not sure if my skills are up to snuff with the text though....
f4r !HanakoDlmg
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>>1439873 Shitshop skills: over 9000
Remove the shadow please!
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1437931 Could someone make a transparent version? Thanks!
f4r !HanakoDlmg
Tripcodes are !AWEsomEEEE
Can somebody edit all of the text out of this? The "K-ON! Akiyama Mio", the "Wall (c) Snyp" and the backward "7.deviantart"
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1439900 Best I could do, not great but eh.
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1439913 Whoops, missed the other DA watermark on the blue flower. Hold on...
f4r !HanakoDlmg
Tripcodes are !AWEsomEEEE
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>>1439920 Heh, I missed that one too.
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>>1439900 fixed her skin as well
>>1439890 It was already done by someone in IMT #16:
>>1434545 Anonymous
Can someone remove the writing on the bottom left from this:
>>75779956 Anonymous
>>1440005 Let me try to link it here
f4r !HanakoDlmg
Anyone know why I keep getting "Error: Upload Failed"
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1440014 Thanks :D
>>1440018 No idea. Last time I got that, it stopped happening after a reboot.
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>>1440021 I'll give it a try. I get this all the time and I don't understand why.
Can someone recreate the icon on the left, but in the format (shape) of the one on the right please? Please make it 256x256 if you can. I want it to match all the other in my collection.
You can get the template here:
http://jackarage.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Folder-Icons-214625506 Anonymous
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>>1440023 Looks like you were right. I always forget about the size requirements. I just tacked on a black box to the bottom:
>>1440027 Anonymous
Can someone make her into a vector.
f4r !HanakoDlmg
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>>1440033 Vector thread is over here:
>>1434404 Anonymous
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>>1440033 not a vector, but the original version none the less.
can someone please make this 1920x1080
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>>1440050 thank you and great job
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>>1440060 Thank you so much. Great job. The only other thing I'm going to add is the shadow, but I can do that myself.
If someone could make 1920x1080 wallpaper please, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll leave the background, patterns, up to you, but if you can make it a red or black color.
wondering if someone could bring out just Mari from the larger version of this picture at
>>>/hr/1653523 f4r !HanakoDlmg
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1440256 hrm... dupe text filter...
f4r !HanakoDlmg
f4r !HanakoDlmg
Could someone please render this for me?
>>1440257 It should be pretty darn clean now. Tested on flat colors.
>>1436901 Requesting a render of this. Thanks in advance!
Can I get a background in this image, a simple one please.
Could anyone please make this 1900x1080?
>>1440516 So, a question to the anon's who use the pen tool a lot.
Is there a faster way to make selections? I've been working on an image I ripped from a game and removing a lot of the shitty quality off of it by reducing the amount of colors down to about 6 varying ones. Problem is, due to the size of the image, it's taken me a decent amount of time. If there's nothing that can be done about that, it's fine, the tool is a lot better than any alternative, but I figured floating out a question never hurts
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>>1440555 oh, and if you don't want the banding I can remove that, I had dither unchecked for some reason that doesn't come to mind
Can anyone make this StarOrb:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/?c8g1eyegl27f4pm match this background?:
>>5038226 Thanks in advance guys!
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>>1440611 heres the other image.
Can someone turn this picture into a 1920x1080 wallpaper without cutting anyone off of it? Thanks in advance!
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>>1440306 here
>>1440555 i dont use the pen tool, i use the polygonal lasso tool when i HAVE too. otherwise i too the trick envy taught me where you duplicate a layer, adjust the brightness/contrast, get the background to match and use the magic wand, basically. otherwise to outline its purely the polygonal selection tool. with this image i actually completely desatureated it using the black and white adjustment, and moving the red/magenta sliders around to make the background one color. then just pick up whatever scraps are left with the lasso.
quick and decent results most of the time.
f4r !HanakoDlmg
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1440549 yah, not extending that staff sry.
>>1440664 i thought he didnt want a crop job :(
f4r !HanakoDlmg
>>1440667 Didn't want anyone cut out, thought a lil bit of cropping would be OK.
>>1440692 Now that's just lazy.
>>1440723 ...
Well, I guess I'll do my own version.
It's going to take some thinking to fill in that peripheral stuff on the sides.
f4r !HanakoDlmg
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>>1440730 I never said I was good lol
Just 'bootin what I can.
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>>1440555 Thank you anon, it turned beautiful.
Can I get a 1920x1080 in this image?
Dashop !3BsTIIJcFU
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Taking some requests i got time to kill
Get rid of the ®, if you'd be so kind.
Can someone please make a 1366x768 resolution, .jpg format wallpaper with the vector on
>>1438435 by adding a nice grey background and placing it somewhere in the middle - right corner of the monitor?
Thanks in advance guys.
>>1440845 Good stuff, man.
Thanks again.
>>1440845 sweet banding, i dont know why i bother.
>>1440846 flat because i think it looks like shit
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>>1440828 more of a /wg/ request but whatever/
I would like to get this image with at least 1600x900 with a background complementing the existing one, I know its a lot of work, but I will be very glad if this is done.
>>1440856 srry, forgot image
Hello, I'd like to request this in 1920x1080 resolution.
Requesting the outer pattern be extend on all sides so it's a 1920x1200 wallpaper
>>1438203 Anonymous
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hi could someone finish the "horn", not looking for anything fancy, but at least better than my ms paint try. thx in advance to you who try!
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>>1440904 it's generally good to assume people don't want crop jobs mate..The image looks like it was already (poorly) extended, there's white lines from the cut/paste and it doesn't even look right...sorry mate, too much extending for me
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>>1440954 its beyond my expectations, really beautiful, thank you anon.
Dashop !3BsTIIJcFU
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>>1440847 Dat image
>saved >new wallpaper Anonymous
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Could someone remove the background for me please? Thanks in advance!
can someone remove the lettering and just have the picture of kuroki tomoko. please and thank you
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>>1441007 Looks good, thanks a lot
Can someone remove the text/writing from this please? Thanks in advance.
Dashop !3BsTIIJcFU
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>>1438996 >>1438997 by any chance, can u make 2 wallpapers of this 2 pictures, please? my res is 1366 x 768
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>>1441050 awesome, thank you
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>>1440847 You know, flat on grey just looks... boring..
Granted that the banding sometimes can be an issue when handling gradients; but in this case, I for one don't seem to notice it much.
I'm keeping the original one, but many thanks for the flat version as well, man.
I was wondering however, if I could trouble you (or someone lurking about) for maybe a different background color on it; one that doesn't look so boring.
Maybe that nice windows classic blue or something that goes well with the black on her clothing...
If you have the time, give it a try.
Thanks again, man.
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Would someone be able to change the background to this to grey (something close to RGB 39,39,39) as my shitty attempts have failed. Or even making it transparent so I can change the backgrounds my self.
nice pic, hope this is ok
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>>1441182 You're amazing, thank you.
>>1440664 >>1440723 >>1440730 >>1440802 You guys pretty much made my day, thank you so much!
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>>1440650 >>1440730 >>1441259 Well... That took a lot longer than it needed to.
I love this image but is it possible for someone to remove the text at the bottom? I would be very appreciative. Thanks. <3
Can someone removed the Text at the bottom the Blog part. :
Taki-Chan !IRhXpoTAkU
Can someone make expand the border and make this a wall paper?
Can you make the back like a gradient gray?
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>>1441324 Give them larger version.
Yuu !dGnkTcqbMs
Requesting transparency on this. I would gladly appreciate it.
Dashop !3BsTIIJcFU
Dashop !3BsTIIJcFU
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Could someone try and change the M in Rins hair to a N for me please? I tried myself, but I'm not too good with photoshop and it just looks like it doesn't belong... Thanks in advance
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>>1441395 Requesting this:
http://i.imgur.com/bgS7D.png placed towards the bottom right of that background.
Feel free to shrink it a little if you think it might look better
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We are currently at image limit.
Yuu !dGnkTcqbMs
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indeed, nice work everyone
new thread:
>>1441423 Anonymous
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>>1441328 Thank you very much! <3
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>>1440370 You are my fucking hero!