>>1438127trimming near her skin or light areas is a bit strong. Make sure to duplicate the layer, place it behind, lock it's transparency and make it all black or a dark colour (this case brown) so it sorta rebuilds the outlines that are a bit blown out. I did this with a few of the low rez ideolo images to remove white "gunk" around the black bits.
I will often as well lock transparency and paint the light stuff black. (tablet helps here in speed)
Be careful with fade and other similar settings in photoshop. It prefers to make round corners and will obliterate sharp more than 90deg corners. (inside angles of hair are a good example)
BTW do not forget that triangle of transparency on her right arm near the chairs armrest.
Attaching a example of the dark clone behind the original trick and including a arrow to the area containing white gunk. An easy way to see how things work is to place a med dark bg layer behind the work.