(1/2) New 4chan SS (because I lost my other one), opinions?
>>1455219Awesome as always Mono, but why does firefox have a light grey border when the other windows do not?
>>1455256I like it.
>>1455257Don't really like it, can't tell if it's the background or something else.
>>1455262That window mover is really cool, I'd go without the shadows or maybe try other ones.
>>1455263Lovely. Those buttons on the media player stick out a bit. It also bothers me that her ear is cover up by that window. But that has nothing to do with your desktop, sorry.
>>1455265Pink background, but no color anywhere else. It's a bit weird.
>>1455266Lovely Vibex, 3 monitors will be awesome! Hmm how did you not get N++ to not show the path in the toolbar?
>>1455268Those black borders and shadows could be removed. Lovely 4chan SS.
>>1455284Fix the skype icon, also I would either make the tabs transparent (if possible) or maybe get dusk w/o transparency, because I hate it. But to each their own.
>>1455285No bandwidth issues? Love the colors of those two backgrounds.
>>1455294What is that window in the top right? But, I love your foobar colors, go nicely with the wallpaper.
>>1455302Have you thought of removing the side bar for 4chan? Very nice consistency in backgrounds.