>>1480963Ballin' Just change your font color, I ain't diggin' the dark blue.
>>1480909Beautiful, like what you did with the taskbar.
>>1480902Good, maybe keep less going on, and not have a screenshot open, when you take yours. I can tell it's good though.
>>1480892Like it, it's nice to see a good light desktop every once in a while.
>>1480891Great, although, you could fix up your Foobar and FF a little bit.
>>1480889Like your music player and the pink, but consider getting a VS and some new fonts.
>>1480888Nice, but not my thing. Transparency looks good here, just something about it, not me.
>>1480887Great, like what you got going on.
>>1480886Default ncmcpp mod, and the taskbar is okay, maybe a dark/light icon set to go on it.
>>1480885Mono, great as always.
>>1480884I would get rid of 1 of those bars, and the solid black is not my favorite thing.
>>1480881Vibex, you're always great.
>>1480967GET, you are beautiful, as always. Thanks for the kind words, also!