Not sure what my next hotel's internet setup will be, so I'll rate some now.
>>1566014Nice, I really like it other then the rounded top corners of windows.
>>1566041The cutout looks a little weird, but that might just be my laptop's screen.
>>1566095It's a nice start, but I think you should add some colour and declutter it a little.
>>1566098Niec, but not a fan of the non full width taskbar or the dock.
>>1566266Not sure how I feel about the white bars on the foobar equalizer, but everything else is really neat.
>>1566284Really nice, few can make brown look nice.
>>1566506Nice, but 4chan doesn't look that great.
>>1566449Great except for the font.
>>1566549Damn nice Shiro, always love your setups. Really should work on ricing my Ubuntu Laptop, but I only ever use it when I'm away from home.
>>1566585Really like the cutout, but the red wall is a little potent and everything else just looks a little half-assed.
>>1566633Really like it.