Windows rice still; Openbox on the backburner, but eventually I might run out of metaphorical stove space.
>>1847090Always a favorite, makes me smile every time you post it :)
>>1847307>>1847309I'm conflicted on these whenever you post them. On the one hand: Gorgeous consistency, design, vision, and colors. I can only imagine how much work went into these.
On the other hand: Oh god so much stuff in so small a resolution! How the hell do you do or see anything?!
Apologies for 'opinions': it's really pretty, but idk if I like it given the minimalfag I am :P
>>1847424Da fuq you mean you can't rice? Gorgeous tiling.
>>1847504Bit too cluttered imo, cut down on icons and try to increase the cohesion of the style; it seems unfocused at the moment. Sorry if criticism was unprompted, and good luck!
>>1847579Thank you for teaching me things I've never known about fish ;)
>>1847665No one said it wouldn't take a little work :P