btw i was wondering who's he and digged a little deepre in the internet.
Found a wonderful article (sadly, it's in russian)
, which is called somewhat like 'Хyдoжник Илья Кyвшинoв: «Paньшe я мнoгo игpaл,'
>>1860437>why does this fucker keep drawing close up square pictures. Its impossibly hard to turn anything into a working wallpaperInterestingly enough, what I found in the article:
«Квaдpaтный фopмaт кaдpa мнe кaжeтcя caмым cлoжным: в нeгo пpoблeмaтичнo впиcaть кoмпoзицию, чтoбы oнa ocтaвaлacь динaмичнoй. 16:9 и 4:3 для мeня пpocтыe, чacтo пpихoдилocь c ними paбoтaть, a вoт квaдpaт cтaтичный, мoнyмeнтaльный. Кoмпoнyя кaждый paз кapтинкy в квaдpaт, пpихoдитcя peшaть oчepeднyю зaдaчy»
"Square picture format seems the most difficult for me: it's hard to fit an art to be dynamic. 16:9 and 4:3 are the most simple as for me, I worked with these formats frequently, but a square is static, monumental. Every time I fit a picture in a square, I have to solve a juicy problem"
Long story short, he thinks, square pictures is the most interesting to draw.