>>1975537Source is
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32253496Quick, shitty guide for how I found it:
>checked iqdb & sauceNAO, no results>checked google, 1 result (an imgur album of rainmeter wallpapers)>everything in the album had the same gradient background (obviously they're all renders)>zooming in on your image, there's a white band around the image (confirming that it's a render)>crop image to just the foxgirl>reverse search that, no results on iqdb or sauceNAO, lots of results on google>find 'original' image on shitty rehosting site>put that image into sauceNAO and get pixiv sourceI might find try finding the other one later, maybe.