>>2183747brave I use as my current main browser because it's(as far as I know) trustworthy, automatic adblock that I would've added anyway, chromium based so I need to learn fuck all about UI, and you can apparently make money through brave rewards by letting it give you advertisements in a(from what I've researched) filtered way where it doesn't expose your info. haven't tried it.
pale moon as well as iridium on the task bar were downloaded to try out when I was getting into cyber security. might use one or ungoogled chromium if I drop brave.
tor is for "just in case" situations like if I want to open a link I don't trust or if I want to find something random in a less filtered landscape
bugdom.jpg is the icon for Bugdom: a game I played years ago back in my mac days. found the icon in my files and figured I'd find a way to fuck around with it.