>>8091103Not that Anon, but keep in mind that regular 'lounge chairs' typically have a seat height that's too low for the height of most standard fixed-height desks and tables.
In the short term this mismatch in height can lead to some temporary discomfort, and in the long term can even result in physical pain, particularly in the back, shoulders, and neck because of the less than ideal ergonomics.
This situation can potentially also result in aches and pains, including possibly developing carpal tunnel syndrome, in the hands/wrists because you'd effectively be reaching up to the desktop at an awkward angle for long periods to use the keyboard and mouse.
The solutions to minimise/prevent all of this are to invest either in a proper decent-quality adjustable 'office' or 'gaming' chair, or in an adjustable-height desk that has the ability to be lowered to a height more suitable for use with a typical 'lounge chair'.
Also keep in mind that even a typical lounge chair will get uncomfortable to sit on after a while no matter how plush and padded the seat cushion is, so you do still have to get up from your desk periodically even if you use a lounge chair - it's not an excuse to just sit there and stare at the screen 24/7. :D