>>7762342Two months ago I said goodbye to a woman who loved me with everything she had. As a person, she was the best girlfriend I had ever had. The first I had thought about marrying. The first I had thought about having kids with. Circumstance was, however, a bitch. She was significantly older than me. We had different passports. We couldn't keep our personal goals on the same track and I'm too young to compromise my own ambitions. Her visa ran out and she had to go. I couldn't go with her. I saw her off at the airport. I ended things two days later. It gutted me, but it had felt like things were over for months. Her leaving was the last straw.
I was just going through my camera and came across a load of old photos of us. I know it was best to end things, but I still find it hard to believe that something that felt so right could be made impossible by circumstance. Love doesn't triumph all, folks. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try for it though.