>>6987779>pick up my dog from the boarding place, parents on vacation without me>my dog still loves me>text her and tell her that I saw going down to fix things as a last chance for us to be together>have training early in summer, won't be home till late june>it was last chance to see her in person before then>gonna be six full months now before we see each other again>no chance at reconciliation>go to sleep, dog next to me, he still loves me>wake up to text from her, missed calls>'oh my god I didn't realize that, can you still come down?'>no, I gotta take care of the dog now, no vacancy at doggy hotel>love-blocked by the one thing that still loves me unconditionally>dog turns out to be hero, more on that later>trying to accept life without the perfect girl>understand now that she isn't perfect, but I can't get her out of my mind>try everything, change lifestyle habits, go on dates, hook up with girls>doesn't help. everything feels empty>dates are okay, but there's something wrong with the girls>they aren't her>not even sex with other girls is good>literally just going through the motions in life>don't even find solace in the gym>"hey">I want to ignore it so bad but I can't>I haven't stopped thinking about her since we first met almost 3 years ago>start talking as friends again>maybe we can just be friends? I genuinely enjoy her companionship>nope. still in love with her.>keep talking, its constructive. looks like maybe there is hope for us after all.next one is probably last one