>>6430425It feels bland. If you place anything on the face it'll look cluttered. You're really limited by your wallpaper.
>>6430364I don't really like the font, otherwise it looks pretty nice.
>>6430109This looks really cluttered. Ask yourself if you need all those values at the top. Try to find a way to hide your music widget too.
>>6429951Very clean. I like that widget.
>>6429867Looks nice, especially for being new.
>>6429852Makes me miss summer, until I see that 6° reminder. Anyway, it's aesthetically pleasing, but still seems a bit close to stock.
>>6429797There's a lot going on. Try to find a way to hide stuff or put it away if you don't use it.
>>6429652Looks nice, I like the animations.
>>6429649I don't like the font of the widget. Also, remove the page indicator, and I may be wrong, but it looks like you need a higher-resolution pape.
>>6429635PowerAmp has a good customizable widget. Try to find some 8-bit icons to go with the pixel pape.
>>6429634Holy shit
>>6429589Get rid of those dock things under the folders. Hold the folder with your finger, tap edit, tap the picture of the folder, then give those folders a new icon so they don't look like folders.
>>6429582Not my style. I don't like the icons.
>>6429531That font is alright in my book.