Messing around with this so here's a couple day old version. I usually just do themed stuff so this is my attempt at something stocky, and my attempt to make the album art not a meme.
The background gradient on the clock page changes based on the time of day, from light blue in the morning, darker in the afternoon, purple at night, etc. The music screen is the reverse of that color, and obviously music pulls from the art. The gradient also rotates based on what minute it is, so it's like a little clock on its own.
>>7253828It's boxy, it's animu, but it's still pretty ok. Guess that makes it an achievement.
>>7253826This one on the other hand, not so much. Eh, pretty standard.
>>7253777Not really a theme here. Pretty much a stock screen.
>>7253762Only thing that sticks out at this point is to remove the "Search Apps" text if possible, I think the bar and magnifying glass signify that enough.
>>7253721The vanilla setup. Again, eh.
>>7253703Man, lots of people in here without establishing a central theme. I guess they're one up from stock but can't say I dig setups like this.