>>54693388/10 Diggin the wallpaper
>>54693819/10 Diggin the russian(?)
>>54693889/10 Diggin how neat and centralized it is
>>54694986/10 Not a fan of rocketdock, especially when the rectangle backdrop is in view
>>54704995/10 Too messy, not usually a fan of default windows taskbar (unless it works with the wallpaper)
>>54705087/10 Nice wallpaper, hate the desktop icons
4/10 Love the wallpaper, no fucking idea what that crap is all over your desktop (and illustro? seriously?)
>>54707478/10 Very cool, love the top taskbar
>>54708119/10 Lovin the minimalism
>>54708727/10 IF you get rid of that fucking recycle bin
>>54708828/10 IF you get rid of that tacky rocketdock
>>54708877/10 IF... same as above
>>54711469/10 Simple and I like it too