Suggestions pls.
In other news, has anyone tried out WiFi File Transfer on the Play Store? I used to transfer all my screenshots via Bluetooth but this way I can download everything through Firefox.
>>5896726These are nice guides:
>>5892628>>5892629Happy ricing Anon.
>>5896012I don't like what you have going on at all. Clock is bad, wallpaper is bad, icons are bad and don't match. Bulldoze it and start over.
>>5896723Generally better but still shit.
>>5896724Microscopically less shit, but still shit all in all.
>>58966186/10 Looks nice but get a better wallpaper and remove all that stuff at the top and bottom.
>>58967181/10 I hate everything here except the clock, which I also don't like. Get an icon pack. The red square is sort of an interesting touch so maybe keep that.
>>58933886.5/10 I recommend putting a translucent black square behind the calendar and weather widgets. If you can, switch to pie controls or get better navigation bar icons.
>>58965968/10 Simple, like the icons. Looks like the wallpaper has a lot of banding. Don't like how the clock text is italicized.