I usually post my whole room but the only change since last time was that I finally got monitor arms (and some new monitors) from a suggestion on this thread. So much more room! They do wobble a little, need to get that figured out. Almost sad because I cant think of anything else I could improve on.
>>7712917clean, maybe bundle those 2 cables together?
>>7713014love this, what's the things with buttons to the right of your keyboard?
>>7713641love the furniture, reminds me of a high school friend's room. we would always sneak out at night because he had windows like that.
>>7713712>flags>>7713939a little cluttered but looks cozy, looks productive too
>>7714327you have that vertical paper? I also love your side desk. I wish I had the room for that!
>>7714337i think two horizontal and one vertical is the best monitor setup.
>>7714380to the point, also don't want to know what that cloth is used for
>>7714436cool dry erase
>>7716434very cozy, what do the macro keys do?
>>7719055so clean!
>>7720224love the view
>>7721602dont know how people use these, where the fuck is the ^ without looking?
>>7724810i love your lighting