Second try ever and I'm not sure if I like it more than my first try.
>>6202858I like it but you have a lot of empty space next to the date and a lot of stuff next to your calendar. It's strange. Also, the background is kind of boring but it fits really well so that's okay. 8/10
>>6202882I like the clock but you're taking the minimalism to the point that you need a second screen just for five apps. It's kind of ridiculous and totally unnecessary when those could all just be gestures. 6/10
>>6202887Everyone's going to tell you to get rid of the notification bar. I like that you're trying something different, even if it's very small, by not completing the boxes. However, that's kind of lost in the fact you're using one of the most played out designs. Background is okay. 6/10
>>6202891I like it. The pape is cool and you have a cool style with the widgets. 9/10
>>6202906It is sincerely getting worse every time you post it. I do like the colors though. 6/10
>>6202908This would have killed it before but now it looks kind of boring. It's alright but that picture within itself thing is old. 7/10.
>>6202909stock as fuck. 5/10.
>>6202926The message notification is randomly placed and the pape looks like super shit quality. Other then that not a bad job for something themed. 7/10