Will rate/comment on favorites
>>55240297/10, get a new icon set and get rid of that dock bar
>>55277318/10, get an app drawer icon and put it with the rest, get rid of shadows, make bar transparent, put icons and widget closer together
>>5528241Holy... Wow that's pretty
9.9/10, I have a few teeny tiny nitpicks about it: The shadows on the hands of the clock and bottom of the icocsn look kinda ugly, but it's still wonderful. Please give me that wallpaper.
>>5528672couldn't agree more
Still waiting on Nexus 5 though, it'll be my next buy for sure
>>55299867.5/10, get rid of the random bolding on text, see if you can put clock in the circle, see if you can make all ofn the icons have actual images as backgrounds, it matches and looks better
>>55307948/10, gib wallpaper pls
Get a new icon set