>>7269218you do you, way too much for me
>>7269224>>7270116intresting theme choice, nice fortnite font. if you could somehow make everything have the same "printed" look of the image it could look even better
>>7269232intresting animation aspect but it feels unfinished, maybe a consistent font choice could imprive it
>>7269241>>7270519like the old one better, the new one feels a bit cluttered, i'd take the 1st one but have the text on the bottom right part of the cross be aligned to the right and have consistent spacing on everything
>>7269246very clean, the font/size inconsistency puts me off though otherwise i like the background image and the feel
>>7269249big fan of roboto condensed also really nice animations, the anime stuff is a bit much though, with a solid black bg i'd give it a 8
>>7269260really nice neon glow aspect, like how the bg really matches in terms of colour and glow, the klwp blur effect on the text looks horrible though, no idea on how to fix that : / also i'd make the clock numbers not overlap
>>7269266clean and nice but nothing special, feels like i've seen it before
>>7270231one of the best ones i've seen on here, love the consistency. great choice of images, the music bar with the matching colours to the image is a nice touch
>>7271007no way that is a iphone
the consistency is bugging methough, the icons and clock don't really match and it feels abit clutered
>>7271097not really a fan of how the transparency, gets a bit disctracting with the bg maybe try a less detailed bg. also i'd try somehow avoiding covering album art.