I thought I'd post my setup too. So that you can know where the judgment is coming from.
Like I said, I'm not a fan of bblean and overused rainmeter. I know my fonts need fixing too. r8, h8.
>>5603096I'd say that the main thing that needs improvement is the font, but is not so important. FIx the spacing of the upper right icons and change the wp to something more cohesive. Also, if you want to spice things up try to rice ffox and foobar.
I'll be monitoring the thread if you want advice. (also, rate me if you want)
>>5602868the rice here appear to be on the icons. Not good looking and it has got an overall messy look.
>>5602871Can't call heads or tail on this one. It's very minimal and messy at the same time, but still it gives a feel of extreme efficiency that most riced DE lack.
>>5602872I've always wondered how can one make macOS X look like this. It feels like a lot of work to do. Is this a theme or a WM?
Nice setup and extra points for not being default.
>>5602890default = shit
>>5602897default - startorb = shit - startorb
>>5602956As somone pointed out: hipster wp, and not so good looking icons (can't judge if it's ecqlipse or not...)
>>5602991>binary clockwp's a nice pic but I wouldn't have it as wp...