first attempt, most of the stuff was made from scratch. the quality is shit because i had trouble converting the file. i need tips on what to do with the weather widget and/or app buttons
>>7616993looks great but I'd go with a slightly different font, this one still works though
>>7617019i hope the icons on the bottom are shortcuts to other stuff, pretty clever either way
>>7617501maybe use the planets as app shortcuts or folders?
>>7619188i love the widget but the pape is kinda ugly
>>7621370i don't like the position of those music controls but everything else is amazing
>>7623653not sure how it works but it's pretty cool
>>7625379has a lot of potential. maybe you could make it dance when the music is playing instead of smiling(unless that's the gif and you can't change it)?
>>7628819very nice, i'd add the battery info somewhere in there but if you don't need it that's cool
>>7630875A for effort, you should probably remove the status bar though - maybe use that app drawer button to show notifications instead?
>>7633278nice and clean but i'd go crazy looking at a desaturated screen for a year