I feel the lockscreen clock may be a bit tacky but whatever. I'm obsessed with Evangelion and I love the internal/external power indicator.
Does anyone know of a music widget that will become invisible/disappear when not in use and is compatible with spotify?
Good choice of icons, weather and clock widget look pretty nice, music widget is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, what's it called? Backgrounds a bit bland but a good one, I use that same one often. I'd get rid of those labels for the different widgets/icon groups and maybe cut back on how many app shortcuts you have.
Not a fan of the icons, also there are too many of them, looks a bit cluttered. Clocks decent, wallpaper looks great.
Not much to say really. Never been a huge fan of the flatcons but they're pleasingly minimal.
LOVE the wallpaper. Mind posting it? Icons are nice, search bar is one of the best looking ones I've seen. Holler clock is nice.