>>6937252I like it for the most part but it does feel just a bit cluttered. 7/10
>>6937338Comfy. 8/10
>>6937367Schway. 8/10
>>6937403+1 for comfy, +1 for clean, -3 for naked lolis.
... (8/10)
>>6937756Hyper Comfy. 9/10
>>6937761Just starting out. 5/10
>>69379357/10. I like it but I don't love it.
>>6938340Nice Aesthetics. 8/10
>>69383477/10 not bad but I don't like it really.
>>69383796/10. very basic.
>>69385424/10 EVEN MORE BASIC!!
>>6938900Nostalgic i guess. 7/10
>>6938946CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL 10/10
>>6938956Aesthetic. 10/10
>>6939009I like this face. 9/10
>>6939125Too bright on the pink, there. 7/10
>>6939186Ironic. 6/10
>>69393595/10. Looks claustrophobic.
>>6939762Das it mane! 10/10