>>6190669>>6191037Not him, but...
>The perception that Vikings would have horned helmets came to be during the national romantic era at the end of the 1800's. There are depictions of people with helmets with horns, for example on the Danish Gundestrup cauldron from year 200-300 BC. The only iron age helmet with horns that have been found in Europe come from England, and is not from the Viking age but from around 150-50 BC, several hundred years before the first Viking raids. The small thickness implies as well that it served a ceremonial use considering it could not have provided any protection in battle.Wikipedia
>There never were any Viking helmets with horns, as you would usually see in movies or cartoons.>During thr bronze age there were helmets with metal horns used in certain rites, but these were too clumsy to use in battle.Ungafakta.se - about Vikings
>All archaeological findings show that Vikings did not carry horns on their helmets, but the misconception still lives today.Världens Historia (World's History)
TL;DR: Horned helmets did exist, but not in connection with the Vikings. Götiska Förbundet "created the myth", so to say.
Also, posting pape to not go too off topic.