Quoted By:
>born a middle child, only son
>girls receive better care/attention I'm taught to tighten my belt
>hit puberty, and damn if I'm not getting into guys
>hide this shit forever from everyone
>effeminate voice tho, parents suspect
>bible camp for 10th and 11th grade, no reason given.. but I knew.
>Have female friend pretend to date me
>19, like this guy. Don't make enough money for apartment and scared to leave home. Bridge can not be unburned. He loses interest
>hate everybody until 22, meet another guy. Living in own apartment but he's just an online crush
>he finally reveals he's getting married and was just curious about himself
>fuck everybody until 26. Done with even pretending I'm datable so focus on work. Get decent job, as decent as you can get with an associates.
>Can finally buy luxuries. Save for a bit and build myself a pc. immerse myself into a world of vidja and anime
>buy vidja accessories, nerdy stuff.. apartment looks like it was designed by a 14 year old kid.
>Meet another guy, local this time. Chat online/on the phone. Agree to a date, date goes well. second date does the same.
>third date, I've... seen the inside of his home. We'll leave it at that. But then he'd like to see mine.
>I warn him
>He didn't believe me
>Why didn't he believe me
>We apparently didn't know each other well enough. I can't say definitively but we've fallen out of touch since he saw my place. And my nintendo plushies. And my zelda posters... and my sword replica's... and my manga collection.
>I'm 30, and I've cucked myself into a faggot nerd zombie who will forever be alone.
>wallpaper related, mfw