>>6479992Go fuck yourself, you God damned fucking cockmongler. There's 2, if not 3, other fuckscape threads already going for other 9 year old autistic fucking retards like yourself.
[X] read the fucking sticky:
>>4667225[X] lern to fucking catalog:
>>>/wg/catalog[X] this is not fucking /r/
>>>/r/[X] or fucking /wsr/
>>>/wsr/[X] lern to fucking asics
http://www.4chan.org/faq - [X] don't fucking bump this, lern to fucking What is "sage"?
- [X] clean the fuck up after your fucking self, fucking lern to How do I delete my own post(s)?
[X] fucking refrain from (further) shitposting
[X] fucking kill yourself
[ ] /w/ (anime wallpapers) is that way:
>>>/w/Stop being a retarded asshole.