>>6285799Nice minimalism, I'm a fan. 8/10
>>6285813Nice, but the red line, and double line look a bit off. 7/10
>>6285847Nice. I like the monochrome style, very elegant. 8/10
>>6285860If the buttons do shit, then that's cool. Nostalgia/10
>>6285875I like the idea and the positioning, but the clock widget needs to be refined. 7/10
>>6285888Not my fave. The bold black doesn't work well with the background. 5/10
>>6285914Concept is cool, but still not quite there. 7/10
>>6285915Boxes are too blocky and not elegant enough for me. Still good tho, 7/10
>>6285928Far better than the original. A lot smoother. 8.5/10
>>6285951Icons and shit work well with the theme. Hotline/10
>>6286022Do like. 9/10, classy.
>>6286036Contrast isn't great, plus I don't know the character. 6/10
>>6286178Chloe/10. Classic 4chan
>>6286186Don't use a folder. Replace the 4part icon with a single, folder icon. Most icon packs have one. Very much to my taste, 8/10
>>6286199Sometimes minimalism is good. If you like, then keep it. 6/10
>>6286217>>6286218Random nature images, a bit odd. 5/10
>>6286219Smoother icons would be better. 5/10
>>6286257Remove your status bar. 4/10
>>6286280Love it. What's the launcher/app for the animations? 9/10
>>6286295Too disproportionate for me, and very bland. 4/10
>>6286457Too basic iPhone. 3/10
>>6286568Would be better if you unblurred the dock. 7/10
>>6286666That's v. nice. 9/10
>>6286667Not really my style. Status bar should go. 5/10
>>6286671Not great, but getting there.
Now this is my third attempt. Any advice is appreciated, its not great I know. A work in progress.