I'm 26 and I feel like the path of my life is pretty much fixed from here on out, and that I'm fucked due to a lifetime of neuroticism and poor decisionmaking. No friends, no job, no real life experiences I haven't read in a book or been handed on a plate. It's too late for me to really change, and if I'm honest the animal half of my brain doesn't really want to.
I know I'm a bad person and I have no excuse for my moral failings; my life was my responsibility and I made the wrong choices, and I deserve worse.
I'm probably going to give up at some point in the next few years. It'd be better for my parents than watching their kid be a spiralling disappointment til they die.
>>7979262You're suffering from a compulsive delusion - but life's not 'fair' and you can't ever have what you think you want. You can either destroy your life (and your family's) chasing this humiliating dragon, or you can find a way to deal with it and manage your feelings properly. See a therapist, try an antipsychotic, practice some kind of mindful acceptance cope. Just don't lie to yourself, either by pretending this isn't an issue or by pretending you can be a woman. Deal with reality, and take care of the people who're relying on you.