Still not sure on the new font i got (and i know the steam friends are still too small compared to everything else)
>>5888352Fan of your firefox and foobar, the colors are great
>>5888463liking the foobar, i might even switch from ncmpcpp soon, I've had it for too long
>>5888648>an actual good looking dock, sweet>>5888665>all the information you really don't need>>5888684nice consistent color scheme
>>5888711tis okay
>>5888769>YEEZY IS IN THE SEASON>>5888836there needs to be some things edited and taken away, like the bblean bar, and your FF css
>>5888986Chrome is basically the plauge to ricers, it is not customizable unless you use a chrome alt and use gtk (Which i cannot help you with)
>>5889033i like it