i switch background all the time, so here's one i used last week in webm.
app drawer is a slide up gesture and the clock is my alarm widget.
the song title also hide a play/pause and a next/previous button
>>6281492i know how everyone is super into minimalistic and simplistic, but i think this is taking it too far, you have no information on either time or battery.
It's pretty af, but yeah, im left with a feeling of something missing.
>>6281498i like the look, but the small icons bother me a bit.
>>6281499and this looks just like the previous one..
>>6281502a background like this is allways chaotic, leaves no rest for the eye, i'd do something about the bars to fix it i think.
>>6281511solid. i'd personally have a statusbar, but yeah
>>6281524weather widget is a bit off with the placement and the calendar looks a bit off to the right.
>>6281528cute, make icons smaller
>>6281541remove icon background?
>>6281553it's pretty, but the distance from the bottom buttons don't add up with the rest
>>6281559the estetics are to heavy on the left side
>>6281561minimal and easy, nothing to criticise, since it's almost nothing there