>>7910596forgot to mention, found in july 2015.
Anyway, as you anons join me, and we continue our immersive journey through the vastness of the universe.. oh whats that? NO! sorry anons... apparently the next 3 items on the list HAVE NO IMAGES! i already made it clear we're only doing true colour, actual photographs and images, not artists impressions. this *is* a wallpaper thread, not a list. so i'm afraid we have to skip the A2744 YD4 galaxy, at 13.2 billion ly, found 2015, MACS0416 Y1 galaxy, found (i think) 2017, and GRB 090423 a GAMMA RAY BURST (I know. Urgh I know! I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!! It's just i'm not posting artist's impressions is all. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA) as i was saying, at 13 billyun ly.
So, our next intergalactic stop is: EGS-zs8-1. found in May 2015, this galaxy is also 13 billion ly from rhodesia, so it can't come to help. remember light travel distance is NOT the same as actual distance, and we are moving from stop to stop from farthest to closest, not record holders (which would mean we skip a lot since, one many times further than the previous record holder could be found when the next record holder, already found is even further.